
Mayor’s Action Center: 317-327-3622
Submit a request to the city at

IMPD Southwest District
Emergency: 911
Police Dispatch Non-Emergency: 317-327-3811
District Crime Watch Specialist: Paula Barnes, 317-327-6465,

Trash Services
Regular trash pickup is on Thursday.

Heavy trash pickup is on Thursday, the second full week of the month. 
Each Indianapolis household may place a maximum of two (2) items of heavy trash out for collection each month.

Curbside Recycling
If you would like to subscribe to curbside recycling, call Republic at 317-917-7300. As of February 2016, the fee is $6 per month.

Indy Tox Drop
Citizens of Marion County can use this program to properly dispose of all their unwanted and unused household hazardous waste.
Drop Off Location:
Perry Township Government Center
4925 S. Shelby St
Check the city website the latest information including schedule: